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# Responses: MEMBER: 1 GUEST: 0 NO: 0 UNKNOWN: 71
Name Status Expected AttendanceComment
Aaron Shapiro
Allison Buldo
Andrew Klein
Anthony Buldo
BJ Nolan
Bob LawrenceSeason Prepay08/29, 09/07, 09/27, 10/12, 10/19, 11/09, 11/23The countdown to beer for breakfast begins
Brent BurdSeason Prepay09/07, 09/27, 10/12, 10/19, 11/09, 11/23not sure about 8/29, coming home from vacay that day
Brett Schweiker
Brett Schwiker
Cara Padovano
Chris Duke
Chris Dunlap
Chris Jurasits
Chris Millikin
Chris ODonovan
Christine Maggi
David Leddy
Deb Millikin
Denise KubataSeason Prepay09/07, 10/12, 10/19, 11/09, 11/23
Dominic DiChiara
Drew Tiplady
Dustin Craft
Elana Elrich
Erika Karp
Evan Krause
Frank Dickson
Gordon Welsh
James Johansen
Jeffrey Melodick
Jen ODonovan
Jennifer Lawrence
Jessica Duke
John Krizko
Jon Tischio
Jon Tomazic  Member01/01
Jonathan Karp
Justin Sheinwald
Justin Yost
Justin Yost
Karen Brickman
Karim HomsanySeason Prepay08/29, 09/07, 09/27, 10/12, 10/19, 11/09, 11/23Looking forward to another year with you birches!!!
Karl Freemyer
Kristin Homsany
Kristin Leddy
Louis GreenfieldSeason Prepay01/01
Luke Schneider
Macky Womack
Matthew Wylie
Michael Ridenour
Michelle Howell
Mike Edelman
Mike Ridenour
Nadim Homsany
Omar IraniSeason Prepay09/07, 09/27, 10/12, 10/19
Pete LeddySeason Prepay08/29, 09/07, 09/27, 10/12, 10/19, 11/09, 11/23Looking forward to another great season. Get there early and often!!
Pratik Shah
Priyank Desai
Rich Sia
Rick deJaager
Ryan Clarkin
Ryan Hanlon
Sasha KanevskySeason Prepay09/27, 10/12, 10/19, 11/09, 11/23
Sean OShea
Sharon Krizko
Steve MooreSeason Prepay01/01
Steven Savino
Talar Yost
Tara Melodick
Tina Irani
Tom Howell
Yogesh Patel
Zeeshan Khan